This web site is set up to informally host some resources that are related to the Friends of the Pleistocene field conferences. There are web pages that include field trip information (when possible) as well as the guidebooks in pdf format. We are missing many guidebooks and are interested in obtaining electronic copies (or hard copies we could scan).
This web site is an extension of an early effort by Tom H. Leroy and Jason “Jay” R. Patton to acquire guidebooks from past FOP field trips. We are still looking for copies of old guidebooks, from any cell. The best approach is to find out if we do not already have a guidebook. If we do not, contact us, then scan the gb, then provide it to us. We will post it soon thereafter.
Contact Info:
- Tom H. Leroy: tom at
- Jason “Jay” R. Patton: jayp at
We have set up an email list for the Pacific Cell (and will do so for the PNW cell as soon as we get a hold of the email list). Please join the list here: Pacific Cell FOP List
Also, there is an FOP facebook page.
Feel free to share these resources with others. Also, please look at our list of field trips to see if you have any resources to contribute.
This web site is administered by Cascadia GeoSciences (CG). The webhosting is from dreamhost and, because of CG’s 501(c)3 status, does not charge us to host these resources. This is not an endorsement for Cascadia GeoSciences.
Here is the web page to begin with. There are links for each cell: Pacific, Alaska, Rocky Mountain, and Pacific Northwest.
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