2018 Southeast Cell

Geophysics, Geochemistry, and Biogeochemistry of the Southern Piedmont Critical Zone

The following is taken from the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory website here.

The interdisciplinary Earth and ecological scientists and students of one of the nation’s nine Critical Zone Observatories, the Calhoun CZO, hosted the SEFOP (Southeast Friends of the Pleistocene) Field Conference, 23-25 February 2018 in and around Cross Keys, South Carolina. The field trip built on the 2017 SEFOP in nearby Spartanburg County and featured the critical zone as the geo-eco-system that spans from the atmosphere to the deepest weathering reactions and aquifers; deep weathering profiles studied in detail by geophysics, geochemists, and biogeochemists; a Piedmont landscape that has experienced some of the most serious agricultural erosion in America; a new geomorphological and Hortonian system of interfluve ordering; and a 60-year field experiment of soil change in response to cotton cultivation and reforestation.

See below for pdfs of the SEFOP Field Guide and Dan Richter’s opening talk, as well as two poems inspired by the SEFOP, written by participant John Lane of Wofford College. Links to the itinerary and sign up sheet are on the events page.

These materials were provided to me by Dr. Daniel Richter.

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