2018 PNW Cell

Call for Registration

Pacific Northwest Cell Friends of the Pleistocene

Dates: 9 AM Friday, Sept. 7, through about noon Sunday, Sept. 9


  • Missoula floods in northwest channeled scabland, including Columbia Valley, Moses Coulee, Grand Coulee
  • Okanogan lobe of the Cordilleran ice sheet
  • Lake Chelan glacial and lacustrine history
  • Chronologies, controversies, and conundrums!


  • Jim O’Connor, USGS
  • Richard Waitt, USGS
  • Vic Baker, University of Arizona
  • Jon Riedel, National Park Service
  • Andrea Balbas, Oregon State University
  • Isaac Larsen, University of Massachusetts
  • Karin Lehnigk, University of Massachusetts


Some important notes:

  • Trip size is limited by the facilities and parking considerations. Please register early to ensure participation.
  • Car-pooling on Friday and Saturday will be essential, please plan accordingly.
  • Pets: I think they’re allowed at Daroga State Park, but keep in mind the essential car-pooling, the crowded open-field group camping situation, and the long between-stop drives, particularly Day 2. I love my dog, and he would have fun, but I’m not bringing him.
  • To keep things simple and inexpensive, this is a “no frills” trip, without printed guides, tee-shirts, or leader-supplied food and beverages. But the usual PNWFOP style is lots of sharing.
  • Along these lines, the cost is $25 no matter how many days you attend, whether or not you camp, regardless of student status, and whether or not you show up.
  • Nearby motel lodging is available in Wenatchee, East Wenatchee, and the Chelan area.
  • More trip information will be provided to registrants in late August.
  • Please contact Jim O’Connor with questions or issues: oconnor at usgs.gov

Downloads – Guidebook

Essential Literature and Guides:

Background Literature:

Some reminders….

  • –Camping: Daroga State Park, group camping site G2, available 2 PM, Thursday, Sept. 6. Check out by 11 AM on Sunday, Sept. 9 (https://parks.state.wa.us/495/Daroga)
  • Note that the signed entrance for the group areas is about 0.5 miles south of the main park entrance. We are in G2, the more northerly area. Turn right upon leaving the highway and then bear right at the split after you turn into the group area entrance. You don’t want to end up in the wrong group!
  • Everybody is on their own for all food/drinks at camp and during the day. Please self-organize and be prepared to pack lunches and snacks for all three days—we won’t have time for food stops during each day’s procession.
    • –Car Pooling: Essential for days 1 and 2.
    • –Discovery Passes: Required for day 2; I will bring 30, preferentially provided to cars with 4 or more passengers. But if you have a pass, please bring it.


Registration now closed. To inquire about a waiting list, please contact Jim O’Connor (oconnor @ usgs.gov).